It’s been a tough week and a half for myself & Matthew. One of our co-workers from Wilmington was hospitalized at 26 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia and had to deliver her baby early after a seizure. She is okay from what I hear but the baby had to be transferred to UNC’s NICU. It’s heartbreaking that this happening to someone we know. From what the Neonatologists told us in May 25 weeks is when the babies have a chance if they have the best medical care. While Cooper was a week shy of that mark, I am happy that our co-workers baby made it past that point.
Now to all my pregnant friends and those who will get pregnant at some point in the future, here’s my Momma Lecture to you (because I do not know if I can handle this happening to one of you). Know the signs of pre-eclampsia. Most cases the pregnancy is further along and not as severe as mine but without proper and sometimes immediate medical help, you and the baby’s lives could be in jeopardy. is a great website for information. Trust your instincts. If you think something is wrong, press your OB doc for answers. A lot of the signs of pre-eclampsia could be mistaken for typical pregnancy symptoms. And hey if you are wrong and everything is fine, just blame it on the pregnancy hormones because they make you crazy ;)
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