Wednesday, August 12, 2015


I am coaching Blaine's soccer team this fall. I don't know which will be funnier-me coaching or Blaine's stubbornness when things don't go his way. At the coaches meeting last week, rosters were handed out. We play 3 v 3 so I only have 5 players. My heart broke when I looked down at my roster. I had a Cooper with the DOB of August 26, 2010. Cooper's due date was the first week of September but because he was going to be a repeat c-section we had already scheduled surgery for August 31st 2010. What were the odds this would happen? Why did this happen? When I least expect it, a vicious reminder that I don't have my Cooper comes along. How could I coach this Cooper and not be thinking of my Cooper who Should have been born the same week? I didn't think it was possible so after explaining to the league director and another coach who were both very understanding a player exchange was done. I wish I was strong enough that I didn't need to ask but I wasn't.